Attending as Press
If you are planning to attend the show as press, you will need to register for a press pass - we ask all applicants for press accreditation and to verify their media status each year. Only members of the media who are reporting on or from the show to the wider global audience may apply.
Please see below the following registration conditions:
- You must be a full-time journalist
- Press accreditation at a previous MPTS does not guarantee automatic renewal
- Non-editorial staff must register as a visitor (e.g. advertising, sales, marketing, PR, publishers, etc.)
- Writing/blogging must be your main professional activity
- We reserve the right to refuse the accreditation
We request for press applicants to kindly send accreditations (masthead, link to editorial pieces, etc.) to Kelli Neve-Read at for consideration. Once approved, Kelli will share the press registration form with you.
Please note: you can only receive a press badge if you complete the press registration form which will be provided by our PR agency. An NUJ or similar press card will not be considered as press, however you can still register to attend as a visitor using the main event registration form.
Please also note we do not provide visas to attend MPTS.