Atomos has launched a desktop app, AtomX Cast. When combined with the latest firmware, AtomOS 10.93.00 for Ninja V and Ninja V+, the product provides a new control panel for Ninja Cast, as well as mor
Reuters has added AI-powered discoverability tools to its Reuters Connect software. The new technology aims to give users the ability to quickly find content through automated transcripts, translatio
Sky News has tested an AI reporter, to see if it could replace a human journalist. The AI reporter was created in partnership with Norwegian YouTuber and coder, Kris Fagerlie. Fagerlie and Sky News cr
Linney has added a virtual production studio to its Nottinghamshire facility. The studio has a 6m x 4m flat LED volume provided by Samsung, which is the first virtual production installation from Sam
Broadley TV Studios has moved into virtual studios, using Brainstorm’s InfinitySet software. InfinitySet’s rendering engine and real-time compositing capability can be used with virtual sets, AR, XR a
Anna Valley will open a 1800 sq m studio facility in London next month. Anna Valley Studios will be in the same block as the company’s HQ in West London, and feature five studios including one for co