Pixel Power
Stand: G25
- Archive & Restoration
- Cloud Services / Technology
- Post-Production & VFX - Hardware/Software
- Transmission & Playout Service
Pixel Power has almost 40 years of experience in creating graphics, monitoring and playout solutions for the most significant names in global media production. Our current solutions range includes PRISMON – the software-defined multiviewing and monitoring platform that supports SDI, hybrid, and IP/cloud-based workflows, Gallium – our workflow orchestration toolset that automates the delivery of live and file-based programming across multiple platforms, and StreamMaster – our modular, ‘deploy anywhere’ media processing platform designed for SDI, IP and Cloud playout.
College Business ParkColdhams Lane
United Kingdom
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StreamMaster Media Processing helps broadcasters to execute processing functions on media content. It enables authoring, transcoding, logo and graphics insertion, content rendering, real-time master c ...
The Gallium Workflow Orchestration platform helps broadcasters manage and streamline workflows when automating content delivery to air, to VOD/catch-up, or to multi-platform services. Customers deploy ...
PRISMON is an innovative solution for multiviewing and monitoring audio, video and ancillary data content. It supports both current and legacy media formats and transport standards, from SDI to modern ...