VMI certified carbon neutral by Albert
Camera rental company VMI has become Albert certified as carbon neutral.
Its third carbon audit found that emissions had reduced for a third year, 48% less than what they were in 2019. This reduction, from 213T CO2e to 121.4T CO2e, is two years ahead of schedule and is also a 43% saving on 2021.
The company has made itself carbon neutral by paying to offset their 121.4T of CO2e carbon emissions generated in 2022 with an investment in a project to preserve the Brazilian Rainforest avoid deforestation over a 30-year project lifetime. It had originally committed to being net zero by 2030.
VMI found this project after contacting Albert to find three suitable options, then polling its employees to choose between renewables, nature, and community projects - with the nature option winning overwhelmingly.
Sustainability company Creative Zero scrutinised all VMI’s measurements to create an assessment of VMI’s emissions for the entire 2022 financial year, which included surveying its staff for commuting methods and checking whether the power used at home came from sustainable sources.
VMI plans to go beyond carbon neutral, this year increasing the total solar PV provision over two buildings from 20KW to 50KW and in doing so, aiming to generate most of their own power from the sun and by the end of 2024, planning to replace almost all of their diesel van fleet to electric vehicles.