Moviestorm release a free pre-Beta of their FirstStage virtual production studio
As filmmaking turns to the benefits of Virtual Production, Moviestorm are releasing
‘FirstStage’, a new low cost and easy to use virtual production studio, so that such
techniques are no longer solely the preserve of large studios or the highly technical.
The result of 5 years of expert R&D into accessible production previsualisation tools,
FirstStage is already being actively used from film to theatre productions, and in the past
few months this game changing solution has already grabbed the attention of The
European Film Market Berlinale 2021 who put Moviestorm in the top 10 companies with
cutting edge film technology, as well as TechTour Future 21 who shortlisted Moviestorm
into the top 8 XR entrepreneurs.
Moviestorm CEO Andrew Kennedy, said: “It has been a great five year journey to get to
this exciting point, where the years of expert R&D behind FirstStage has been productised
and made available in a cohesive virtual production studio that anyone can use to previs
their production.”
The new suite of tools can now be freely downloaded for PC from Moviestorm’s website at and uses VR to provide pre-production teams with intuitive
natural user interfaces to build, explore, test and plan creative productions together on
remote shared virtual stages.
Production designers can quickly create 3d models to mock up and analyse location and
stage sets, Directors can choreograph the scene action using keyframe, mocap and
physics animation, and DoPs can block out the shot lists using virtual professional
Andrew Kennedy added: “At any time, from anywhere, any production team member can
get involved on a real-time virtual stage, to test ideas and remotely add their voices and
experience to identify issues and opportunities in pre-production when it counts, lowering
production risk and increasing production efficiency.”
FirstStage supports existing workflows and toolchains, and materials created can be
exported as storyboards, animatics, shot lists and other scene data to help win pitches and
secure funding, or bring everybody into production on the same page, fully aware of the
plan, their role, and the creative vision.
Moviestorm are based in Cambridge UK, and are pioneers of 3d animated filmmaking
desktop tools since 2003. They have a mission to unleash the potential of non-technical
creatives around the world to realise their storytelling ambitions through accessible and
affordable production tools.