LucidLink becomes trusted by Flame
LucidLink has qualified as a trusted and reliable solution for media-driven workflows in Autodesk’s Flame products.
LucidLink Filespaces can be used to allows teams around the globe to collaborate on feature, episodic, and TV commercial finishing and VFX. Using LucidLink, once a Flame artist renders changes to their project files, the production company can see the changes in real-time.
Steve McNeill, director of engineering at Autodesk, said: “Media production projects are executed by teams and freelancers distributed across the globe, so having shared access to source files in real-time creates tremendous upside, from delivering on time and budget to sourcing great talent.
“With LucidLink Filespaces, creative teams will find a workflow experience that matches the speed and efficiency that Autodesk Flame® brings to their finishing and VFX workflows.”
Matt Schneider, director of product management, media & entertainment for LucidLink, added: “For years, cloud-based file services simply did not provide both the performance and the collaborative workflow that rich media teams needed. Eliminating these performance bottle-necks that previously deterred productions from relying on cloud-based file services is at the core of what drives us.
“Being awarded this self-qualification from Autodesk is a testament to the quality of our solution and the user experience that customers now expect from LucidLink. Pairing such a powerful tool as Flame with one of the industry’s most exciting storage technologies in LucidLink will bring enormous value and performance to creative professionals throughout our industry.”